The Scala Toolkit

How to write a file?


You can require the entire toolkit in a single line:

//> using toolkit latest

Alternatively, you can require just a specific version of OS-Lib:

//> using dep com.lihaoyi::os-lib:0.11.3

In your build.sbt, you can add a dependency on the toolkit:

lazy val example ="."))
    scalaVersion := "3.4.2",
    libraryDependencies += "org.scala-lang" %% "toolkit" % "0.7.0"

Alternatively, you can require just a specific version of OS-Lib:

libraryDependencies += "com.lihaoyi" %% "os-lib" % "0.11.3"

In your file, you can add a dependency on the Toolkit:

object example extends ScalaModule {
  def scalaVersion = "3.4.2"
  def ivyDeps =

Alternatively, you can require just a specific version of OS-Lib:


Writing a file all at once

os.write writes the supplied string to a new file:

val path: os.Path = os.temp.dir() / "output.txt"
os.write(path, "hello\nthere\n")
// prints: 2

Overwriting or appending

os.write throws an exception if the file already exists:

os.write(path, "this will fail")
// this exception is thrown:
// java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException

To avoid this, use os.write.over to replace the existing contents.

You can also use os.write.append to add more to the end:

os.write.append(path, "two more\nlines\n")
// prints: 4

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